This is to all of us, both men and women – A very Happy International Women’s Day.
This morning I found something on my Instagram, which got my thoughts rolling. It was a post by none other than Vidya Balan, a fireball performer.

Vidya expressed her opinion on society’s perception of a perfect woman!
Her post instigates a thought! It is indeed a befitting reply to all those who measure a woman’s beauty by the proverbial standards of rang-roop and chaal-chalan. Over the years’ the beauty standards of woman, have been cemented. A wrist-sized waist, salon-styled hair and that winning persona. In the process, we, women forgot to argue that life too comes in various measures. Then how can a woman be different. To look beautiful, we need to feel beautiful. It is important that we are contended with own self. One should be at peace with her own identity.
Being a woman, I like my odds, be it, that early morning alarm, and rush to the kitchen to ensure a nutritious meal for my family. Or the multitasking that begins after it. Or, for that matter, that flab which shakes every time I give hearty laugh. If you are a homemaker, please take pride in being the backbone of your super successful husband. And if you are working woman, enjoy that crackling sound of your knuckles, because you have been running around nonstop. And make sure to give credit to all those who look after your house and children in your absence.
Being a woman is not just about a thin frame, bouncy hair, and that impeccable smile. It is about the real ones who make this world go round. In her post Vidya vocalised, and I quote her here, “#ItsTime to love yourself body,mind & soul.. just the way you are!
Lets Not wait to become thinner or fairer or smarter or hotter or cooler or richer or more successful or anything that you are not already…before you can #LOVEyourself.
#ItsTime to say goodbye to every judgement that makes you feel lesser and
#ItsTime to say #YouCanLeaveNow to the inner critic who says #ImAmNotGoodEnough”
She posted a very powerful photo with this post. Her sentiments could have emanated from fact that off late she is often questioned and criticised for her fuller self..
She despite being a super talented actor, have been made to answer how does she plan to reduce those extra inches.
I, at times wonder, who decided and when, that being thin – is the ultimate beauty.
This is to all those journalists, who forgo her incredible body of work, and asks volley of questions regarding those few extra inches. It is the artist in her who earned a standing ovation from none other than Mr Amitabh Bachchan for her mesmerising debut performance in Parineeta. Her acting prowess could make a pregnant girl’s story, a hit at the box office, in a suspense thriller – Kahaani. Even her film, Dirty Picture, which was a biopic of southern seductress Silk Smitha, was super hit at the box-office. She made her character look both real and enigmatic.
The body shaming industry didn’t spare Aishwarya Rai Bachchan too. Her photographs were lashed in Indian media, criticising her post-delivery weight gain. Our very own Miss World, had to go to the Cannes, to earn her respect that a new mother deserves.
To celebrate, the women’s day, in its true spirit. We need to let the woman breathe easy. Being a woman, lets give our fellow one, her due, not for how she looks, but for all that she has done, and is capable of doing.
I found some exemplary achievers, who have defied every conventional norm of being a woman. Please take a look at some of the most powerful images of women, who won us over, despite, their unconventional self.

“I represent the majority of women and I’m very proud of that,” said Adele, while replying to fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who has made a comment about Adele’s weight.
Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel, Germany’s first female chancellor, who is serving her fourth terms. At instant she can be passed of just as loving granny, but Her leadership is marked by her steely reserve, from standing up to Donald Trump to allowing more than a million Syrian refugees into Germany.
Hima Das

Hima Das, daughter of a rice farmer from Assam, she is the first Indian to win IAAF World U20 championship.
Dr Sunitha Krishnan

Dr Sunitha Krishnan: Anti trafficking crusader, Dr Sunitha was gang raped when she was just 12 years old. The ghastly act, ignited a fire to fight, she started an anti-trafficking organisation, Prajwal.
#ItsTime #IWD2019 #internationalwomensday #love #life.
By Princy Jain
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Happy women’s day