Let me tell you a secret… Eyes smile. Yes, they do! Indeed, it is an established scientific concept.

Let me tell you a secret… Eyes smile. Yes, they do!
Indeed, it is an established scientific concept.
And it has a name too. According to experts, the most genuine smile is called the Duchenne Smile.
So, me the observer, was in my salon the other day, which looked like a construction site, thanks to those yellow-black tapes put on alternate chairs to ensure social distancing. So, back to me… while I sat there with colour on my hair and my feet in the tub, I realised, I could exchange smiles from behind the mask too.
The pantomath that I am, I Googled instantly, if there was any science behind being able to exchange smiles, without actually seeing the other one flashing one, from behind that mask. And to my sheer surprise, I found that it was actually a scientific concept. It is such an age-old concept that even the famous Mona Lisa’s smile is evaluated with the context of Duchenne Smile.
It is this crow-feet impression on the corner of eyes, which signifies a genuine smile – alternatively – The Duchenne Smile!
So, what is a Duchenne Smile?
Interestingly, Duchenne smile is considered the most authentic smile. It is that kind of smile, which is considered to spread contagious happiness, one that signals true enjoyment. Technically speaking, a Duchene smile occurs when the zygomaticus major muscle (smiling muscle in simple words) lifts the corners of your mouth cheeks and crinkle your eyes at the corners.
It’s the crinkle around the eyes, that does the trick. Yeah, while the mask covers other essentials of smile – ala lips & cheeks, it is the pair of eyes that do the talking.
Oh! The same naughty one that got Vivian {of course, Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman} knocked off her feet, when Edward {ever so dishy Richard Gere} flashed it through the corner of his eye.
Closer home, I can consider John Abraham for sure.
And now picture John wearing a mask, and smiling through his eyes.
That is!
So now, head out. Wear a sexy n sturdy mask! And make sure to smile a big curve, from behind it. And that will bring the Duchene Smile!!
See ya!
Much love from afar:
Princy Jain